This site is full of practical tools and information to drive transformative change. These resources were created for the Art of Transformational Consulting (ATC), a training for organizational development professionals, leaders and facilitators. More than 300 consultants participated in the ATC training from 2013-2017. 

Robert Gass is the developer of the training, tools and publications – you can learn more about him here. ATC, its tools, and publications were produced by the Social Transformation Project, an organization that sunset in July 2022. This site is now managed by Change Elemental

The ATC training is being reimagined to deepen liberatory practices within changemaking, including uplifting racial equity and justice as core to organizational and movement change. This work is being co-created by CoLab and Change Elemental and a small group of organizational justice workers.  A prototype is currently underway. The group aims for a limited launch of new offerings in 2023. To learn more, please sign up for Change Elemental’s newsletter at or reach out directly

We are pleased to share these materials with you, and hope you find them useful and inspiring in your efforts to advance transformative change.

Tools for Transformation

Tools for Transformation is a treasure trove of 100 downloadable tools and articles to guide organizational and personal change. Our publications describe what transformational change can do, and these tools are the blueprints to make it happen. Includes links to Equity & Inclusion resources from our allies.

tablet computer showing the cover of What is Transformation?


Our publications describe what transformational change can do. Our publications, What is Transformation? and Transforming Organizations, provide an in-depth introduction to the principles and practice of Transformative Social Change.